Grab Bag #021

Nancy and I went to the Joe Goode Performance Group show “As We Go” on Saturday. To call it a meditation on aging would be weak tea. The whole evening, which is mostly presented by fit, flexible and powerful dancers, is about decline and death.

Joe gives us some positivity (as he is wont), advising acceptance and embracing of change, important attitudes somewhat trivialized when each audience member received a lollypop at the end of the show like we were kids at the doctor’s office.

You get poked; you might get a bit of sugar. That’s life.

Joe Goode and Marit Brook-Kothlow in “As We Go.” Photograph by Alyssandra Wu.

It’s not Joe’s fault that we age or that we die. I appreciated the reminder and I am always thinking about change, as one does at 57 years old.