Grab Bag #024

The Reemergence of Pacifica

Court of Pacifica at the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island, July 30, 1940. (Renald Rosewood, SFMemory/sfm008-00373)

My friend David Gallagher had a Kodachrome summer. First, he processed a cabinet of amazing 1960s slides, worked with San Francisco Chronicle reporter Peter Hartlaub to identify the photographer, and got himself on television a few times before donating the collection to the San Francisco Public Library. (I will note that San Francisco Story was a tad ahead of all the mainstream press)

Then he discovered that the work of his own uncle was pretty darned professional when relatives gave him a dozen carousels of slides ranging from the 1930s to the late 1960s, covering scenes from Australia, Cambodia, and, what got us both excited, San Francisco.